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Summer Intensive FAQs
Frequently asked questions...and answers!
What time is camp each day?Morning carpool begins at 8:45 AM. Afternoon carpool begins at 3:45 PM. The official camp day is 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM. If you are picking up later than 4:15, you must sign up for after care. If you are not signed up for after care, and you are late to pick up, we will not charge you the first time. After the first time, you will be charged a daily rate of $15 for late pickup.
Does everyone get into the show?YES! Everyone who registers for camp is in the show. The "auditions" on the first two days of camp are placement auditions based on skill/experience level.
How do you handle camper health concerns/allergies?When you fill out the more thorough intake forms, we will ask specific questions about your campers physical health and gather any information about allergies, medications, inhalers, epi-pens, etc. We will discuss with each individual family any specific needs regarding the camper's physical health!
What if my camper has no previous theatrical experience?Great! We are THE place for new performers AND very experience performers. We specialize in finding a part in the show for every camper that is perfect for wherever THEY are. We challenge them just enough so they grow, but not so much that they feel frustrated or defeated. A camper's previous experience does not affect what role we are considering them for in any way. Casting is based purely on what we see in the audition on days 1 and 2!
Do you offer scholarships or financial assistance?Yes! First of all, payments can be made in smaller increments based on what works best for your family. When registering, choose the payment plan option that best works for you or contact us if you would like to discuss a different option. Second, we have a limited number of scholarships to offer to those who could benefit from financial assistance. To be considered for a scholarship, please head over to our scholarship page and fill out the application. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis through March 1. After March 1, if there are additional funds available, applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received.
Is there any outdoor time?Campers will have the opportunity each day to spend a short amount of time outdoors. There is a playground as well as other outdoor space for lunch and additional games/activities.
What does a day at LOTUS Arts Summer Intensive look like?A day at camp is full of many different creative activities! Campers will rotate between different "blocks" that focus on different visual and performing arts. These will be primarily singing/music, dance/creative movement, acting, improvisation, playwriting, and visual art. They will do most of these activities in smaller groups of about 10-12 kids in their age range/skill level. These blocks will include rehearsal for the show as well as other activities. In addition, there will be times during the day where the whole camp/cast is together either doing theatre games/activities or working on full cast material for the show!
What is your refund policy?After initial registration, a partial refund (minus the $240 deposit and processing fees) will be given if requested before May 1. After May 1, no refunds for payments that have been made will be given.
When are the performances?For Finding Nemo Jr. the performances are as follows: June 28th at 6:00 PM June 29th at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 PM For Junie B. Jones the performances are as follows: July 26th at 6:00 PM July 27th at 2:00, 4:00 and 6:00 PM All performances will take place at the Arts Factory at West End Studios. Tickets will be on sale to the general public.
Do you provide lunch or snack?No. Campers will need to pack a lunch and snack for camp each day.
Will campers be placed in groups by age? Can I request my camper be placed with friends?Campers will be divided into smaller groups based on both their age and role in the show. The arts are particularly suited for multi-age groups, and so some time in the camp day will be spent as a full group to work on full cast musical numbers, etc. You are welcome to let us know if your camper has close friends they would like to be with, but we cannot guarantee they will be in the same group based on casting.
How do auditions work?On the first and second day of camp, we will spend time teaching the kids a song, a dance, a having them read from scripts. Every camper who wants an opportunity to sing by themselves or read lines will have the opportunity. They will all dance in small groups so we can assess their skill level in dance. After the two days, we will cast the show based on not only how they executed the material, but also their age and personality.
Do you offer early/after care?We offer after care until 5:30 PM each day. If you plan to pick up after 4:15, you must register for after care. The cost of after care is $75/week. The earliest time to drop off is 8:45 AM.
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