We are thrilled to announce our 2nd annual musical for ALL ages...
Seussical is a wacky, zany, and magical musical about some of your favorite Dr. Seuss characters!​
This production is open to Rising 1st Graders THROUGH Adults
Production Details:
Rehearsal Dates: Sundays September 1 - November 17
Rehearsal Times: Between 1:00-7:00 PM (you will only be there for part of the time!)
Rehearsal Location: LUMI School of Musical Theatre
Tech Rehearsals: November 18th - 20th (Evenings - Exact Times TBA)
Performance Dates/Times:
November 21st-23rd at 7:00 PM
November 23rd at 2:00 PM
Performance Location:
9212 Bryant Farms Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28277
Audition Details:
Please note that EVERYONE is cast, we do not make cuts!
The principal roles for the show were cast at our June auditions. However, we are holding additional ensemble placement auditions for anyone who wants to join the show this fall!
There are many FEATURED groups in the ensemble of Seussical, including Fish, Cadets, and Hunches. Everyone participating in the ensemble auditions is eligible for these ensemble groups.
EVERYONE who attends the ensemble auditions will be cast as a WHO in the show - there is no additional ensemble in the Jungle of Nool.
Youth/Teen Ensemble Auditions​
Date: Sunday, September 1
Ages: Rising 1st - Rising 12th Grade
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: LUMI School of Musical Theater​
During this time, we will get to know one another, learn a short dance, and kids will have the opportunity to sing by themselves if they would like to. Material for singing will be made available before September 1.​​​​​​
Adult Ensemble Auditions​
Date: Sunday, September 1
Ages: Out of high school and beyond!
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: LUMI School of Musical Theater
During this time, we will learn a short song and dance with the FULL CAST.
Adult placement in additional featured ensemble groups will be primarily based on dancing.
Featured singing within the "WHO" ensemble for adults will be determined at later rehearsals.​
Please note that NO ONE must sing or speak or dance by themselves.
To be in the ensemble of the show, all you have to do is sign up and you're in!
Only those interested in other featured opportunities will need to possibly sing alone.
Participation Fee:
Please note that there is a $350 participation fee for ALL participants in 1st - 12th grade
Producing a full musical is costly, and the participation fee helps to cover rehearsal and performance space rent, production elements such as costumes, scenery, and props, as well as artistic team salaries.
Part of our mission is making the arts accessible to ALL. If the participation fee is a barrier for you/your family, please fill out our scholarship application. We are happy to work out payment plans for anyone participating and you will discuss that with us once registered.